LACCRA 2024-2025 Board of DirectorsBoard Members may be contacted by sending an email to [email protected]. PRESIDENTShanna GrayShanna Gray has been a court reporter since 2011. Before becoming an official with the Los Angeles Superior Court, Shanna worked as a freelance reporter in the greater LA area. She joined the court in March of 2019. Shanna spent some time floating in criminal courtrooms before finding a home in a long cause family law courtroom for a few years at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse. She is currently a floater assigned to the Stanley Mosk Courthouse. Shanna lives near downtown Los Angeles. She loves ramen and having lunch with colleagues when her busy schedule permits it. She also loves mentoring court-reporting students. VICE PRESIDENT Angelia ParrishSECRETARYAdriana PatronTREASURERRENEE GARCIAIMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENTCindy TachellCindy Tachell, Cindy Tachell, CSR, RPR, CRR, CCRR, began her career in 1990 as a freelancer reporting depositions, arbitrations, and public hearings. She began her career with LASC in 1996. Cindy is currently assigned to Transcript Services. She has reported in criminal, civil, probate, family law, mental health, dependency, delinquency, and Grand Jury proceedings. Cindy is a member of CCRA, NCRA, NVRA, and DRA. She is also a member of the LACCRA Legislative Committee and the CCRA Legislative Committee. “Give 15 minutes to your association." DIRECTOR-AT-LARGELisa HernandezLisa has been a CSR for over 34 years. She began her career working as a deposition reporter and remained working in depositions for 27 years all throughout the Southern California area. She always wanted to work in court and started her court career with LASC in 2016. The majority of her court career has been with assignments in dependency. DIRECTOR-AT-LARGEAlisia LewisDIRECTOR-AT-LARGEMichelle MonteroDIRECTOR-AT-LARGELorraine RominLorraine Romin has been a court reporter for 37 years. Before coming to LA Superior, Lorraine was a freelance deposition reporter for Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. In 1995, Lorraine started her court career with the Los Angeles Municipal Court where she served a few years on the Municipal Court Reporters Board. Upon the merging of the Municipal and Superior Courts, Lorraine worked in a family law department for three years and then went on to work in a civil courtroom for 12 years. In 2012, Lorraine started working in the downtown Los Angeles Criminal Courts building covering misdemeanors and felonies. Currently, she is assigned to a felony criminal trial courtroom. When Lorraine is not working, she enjoys scrapbooking, crafting, going to concerts, and spending time with her growing family. Two of her three adult children are getting married very close in time, and she is very excited about this new chapter in her life! DIRECTOR-AT-LARGEDiana Van DykeDiana Van Dyke has been a court reporter since 1995. She began her career as an independent contractor reporting depositions for over five years before fulfilling one of her professional goals of becoming a Los Angeles Superior Court Official Court Reporter in 2001. After more than ten years of serving the public as an official in almost all of the various case types for which Los Angeles provides a court reporter, she now finds herself experiencing the challenge of an assignment in a long-cause felony trial court. This is Diana’s 11th year of proudly serving the membership as a LACCRA Board member which has included serivce on various LACCRA committees including our E-filing Committee that helped usher into the court system the newest tool in our court reporters' array of useful assets to our justice system. DIRECTOR-AT-LARGEJaclyn VerklerDIRECTOR-AT-LARGE |